Modern day living asks that you juggle A LOT - family, friends, health, work, and home all while you navigate a constant stream of information, demands, and your own inner programming.
It’s time to ground into who you truly are so you don’t loose yourself in the doing and feel confident in being.
It’s time to nurture your desires from a place of clarity so that you can move with more ease in your life.
discover the possibilities.
Jungian based coaching combining neuroscience, psychology, and spirituality to give you the piece (and peace) that you’ve been missing!
IF you’ve been stuck and don’t know how to get started or can’t see the next step
IF your efforts leave you tired and unsatisfied
IF you keep searching for the secret clue that will unlock your happiness
IF you’ve tried ‘every healing thing’ and you still feel like you’re walking in circles
Then this is for you!
It’s time to look at the patterns, limiting beliefs, and conditionings that have been working against you and keeping you small.
Here’s the secret of why you keep feeling stuck and overwhelmed…
Until you get to know and integrate the inner saboteur in your mind, the ego is still driving. This means that the road to success and happiness will be full of unwanted turns - even when you’re checking off the boxes and even when you achieve your desires! This is because your free will is not actually free when your unconscious mind is driving.
When you’re not aware of your persona/ego self you’re greatly influenced to take action from a place of protection and fear defenses. This makes true satisfaction, joy, and embodiment of purpose a big challenge. Fully living in choice and free will begins when you start to look at the habits, patterns and fears that have been put in place in your mind.
Jungian mind/body coaching addresses your triggers and shadows to get to the source of the issue.
We will address the mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of what is present to help you move through blocks and identify the root of the issue. AND I’ll help you with tools so you can integrate the new you.
My coaching style is integrative in nature, which means that your growth will be bolstered with practical mindset and psycho-spiritual tools. Sessions and take-away tools may include gentle somatic exploration, breath, yoga, meditation, visualizations, and energetic practices. (In person sessions for bodywork and healing are available as an option as well.)
This is a customized journey for YOU and I’ll hold a safe container throughout your coaching journey so you are fully supported.
What you’ll get from this highly personalized journey is integration. Integration is the key element to claiming your true self and experiencing wholeness. From that space you will radiate joy and confidence and be able to experience more fulfillment and purpose.
It’s time to befriend your shadow.
Having a trusted guide as you cross the bridge to your true expression and purpose is essential! The path towards integration requires looking at the shadow, the unconscious narratives and beliefs that have been in charge all this time. The ego self is a protector, a valiant survivor, a wounded warrior - it’s primary purpose is to defend you from harm. Even if it means keeping you stuck.
Here’s where your work begins.
Break Free 3 month coaching investment
payment plans available
My Story…
I’m dedicated to helping you through the process of individuation and integration because I know how hard it is to move through life battling the gremlins. From a very young age I trained myself to scan the energy of my environment to check if it was safe. My body learned to pick up on subtle shifts to anticipate any changes outside of me and adjust myself accordingly. This was a trauma response that led to being a stellar empath and excellent energy reader. For most of my childhood the tools I learned really served me - they helped me stay safe.
As I got older I began to feel the pressure of comparison with great intensity. I became self conscious, anxious, and unsure if I could really trust myself. Even when I accomplished my goals I leaned on external validation to inform me if I had succeeded, if I did or was good enough. I was programmed to look outside myself to gain a sense of value and safety. Over time it became a habit to focus my energy on others -people pleasing, blending in according to external factors, prioritizing other so much that I couldn’t hear my inner voice. I forgot what made me happy and my purpose. I had terrible boundaries and felt tired all the time from decision fatigue because I was negotiating everyone’s needs.
I was living with a constant dullness, like something was missing. I was confused because I had made a comfortable life for myself but still I felt disconnected, lost, and lonely.
Is this sounding familiar?
You’re here for a reason.
Your mind holds the key.
Your stories hold the answer.
You are already perfect.
Your goal is to discover the treasure of all you are and to integrate.
The invitation to Break Free is an invitation to uncover what doesn’t serve you any more and step into your True Self.
This is the life you get to move into more authentic, full hearted, love centered living…
Are you ready to create your reality?
The best gift is the one that allows you to awaken to the truths of who you are. You will have stronger boundaries, deeper relationships, and more satisfying experiences in life because you will be acting from true free will and not the unconscious old programs.
On my journey to heal and living my purpose I’ve learned to embrace my empathic gifts. I have trained my ear to listen to my inner voice and not be afraid of letting my true self be seen. I have gathered a lot of tools to develop healthy coping, develop awareness, and nourish my spiritual connection. My mission is to share what I’ve learned in ways that can be applied easily everyday.
Trusting your intuition, joy, and that goodness IS possible can feel overwhelming when there’s an invisible inner battle against the very thing you desire. The shadow self makes sure to show up when it feels threatened but it’s time to learn a better way because the old ways are exhausting.
There is so much power inside you waiting to be harnessed into a unique expression in the world!
Individual coaching sessions are available. However, consultation to discuss per session options is required to determine your transformation goals.
Break Free clients are eligible for additional support (energy and bodywork sessions) at 10% off.